Bee Stinger puts everything a bowhunter could want in a stabilizing system in its Sport Hunter Xtreme 10.8 Kit. You get a 10-inch front bar, plus an 8-inch side bar and all the weights and mounting hardware you'll need to balance your bow just how you want it. The quick disconnects allow you to remove or install your bars easily as you case or uncase your bow.
• Offers the same stabilization strategy to the hunting world by combining front and back bar stabilizers for superior balance and control • Features a longer front SHX stabilizer and a shorter back SHX stabilizer, both mounted to an Elite side arm for maximum adjustability • Together, the SHX system provides maximum balance and stabilization, assuring the maximum moment of inertia • Feel the difference in your hand and with regular use, shot groupings will tighten at extended distances • Adjustable Side Bar Elite features built-in quick disconnects for both the front and back bars • Kit includes: 10" Sport Hunter Xtreme Stabilizer w/ (3) 1 oz. weights installed 8" Sport Hunter Xtreme Stabilizer w/ (3) 1 oz. weights installed Adjustable Side Bar Elite bracket w/ built-in quick disconnects