Race ready low profile air cleaner. Drops filter 7/8" or 1-1/4" below carburetor flange. 5-1/8" flange fits all popular 4 barrel carburetors. Note: 7/8" drop will fit carburetors with electric choke mechanisms.
Race ready low profile air cleaner. Drops filter 7/8" or 1-1/4" below carburetor flange. 5-1/8" flange fits all popular 4 barrel carburetors. Note: 7/8" drop will fit carburetors with electric choke mechanisms.
Race ready low profile air cleaner. Drops filter 7/8" or 1-1/4" below carburetor flange. 5-1/8" flange fits all popular 4 barrel carburetors. Note: 7/8" drop will fit carburetors with electric choke mechanisms.